Five Tips For Bugging Out Before SHTF
Preparing for SHTF scenarios requires a few things. A good plan of action involves bugging out before the SHTF hits, learning some basic first aid, and preparing a portable power kit. If all else fails, you should focus on sustaining yourself during a major disaster. However, you should also prepare basic tools and a well-stocked pantry. Here are some ideas for bugging out before SHTF hits:
Plan of action for bugging out before SHTF
If you have never thought about developing a plan of action for bugging out before SHTF, you are missing out on an invaluable resource. A plan of action is crucial to the survival of you and your family. The following are five things that you should consider when developing your plan of action. You must choose a location that is sufficiently far from densely populated areas and well-resourced to be able to access the necessary resources.
First, consider where to hide your supplies. A bug-out bag is an essential item. You should place it by your front door, firearms in strategic places, and hurricane supplies in your attic. You should also make sure that you lock your doors. Another important item is an emergency radio. Even if your cell phone doesn’t work in an emergency, you should have access to one. You will need this to communicate with others.
Basic first aid knowledge
Whether you’re a survivalist or not, basic first aid knowledge is an important skill to have. In an emergency situation, knowing how to stop bleeding, apply a tourniquet, and use other first aid methods is crucial to your survival. Fever, for example, will not kill most people if it’s under control, but a temperature above 100F can be fatal. Likewise, you should know how to apply a tourniquet and be able to release it when necessary. If possible, you should also know how to apply pressure and a bandage that is made of Israeli gauze. Lastly, you should learn how to properly apply a military-style dressing.
A first aid kit is essential for many situations. A kit that includes alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, three bottles of iodine, band aids, gauze, Quick Clot powder, and four different sizes of medical tape is an essential item. In addition, make sure to have other items that can help you save a life, such as sunblock, latex gloves, and eye wash. It’s important to always have the proper first aid supplies when you’re on the go, and it’s never too early to learn how to use them.
Portable power kit
When SHTF hits, you’ll want to have a portable power kit available at all times. These kits can recharge batteries for various emergency lighting devices, including flashlights, headlamps, and emergency radios. Portable power kits are also valuable for other items like battery-powered radios and other emergency communication items. If you’re unsure whether a portable power kit will be useful in your SHTF survival situation, consider how it will help you cope with the situation.
You’ll also want a survival whistle for alerting others of your position and locating evacuation areas. A physical map is also useful during an emergency and can help you find temporary shelters or evacuation areas. Whether you’re looking for directions or just want to stay hydrated, a topographical map and compass are a good idea for SHTF survival gear. Finally, if you’re planning to camp out, you’ll need to know what kind of electricity you’ll need.
Sustaining yourself in a major disaster
Regardless of the nature of a disaster, it is important to be prepared for your own survival in case you have to evacuate your home. While local authorities and relief organizations will do their best to help you, their efforts may not be enough to reach everyone. Depending on the disaster, it can take days or weeks before help arrives. If you have a family, a kit with essential supplies should be easy to prepare and carry.
If you’re able, you should remain indoors. Prepare your home with basic comforts like a blanket or plastic sheeting, duct tape, and a light source. Although cell towers are overloaded during disasters, you may be able to text or call for help. Make sure to keep a plan in place for the whole family to follow in case you’re separated. This will help you recover faster.