How Close Are We to SHTF?
In this article, I’ll examine some of the possible scenarios that would cause SHTF scenarios. These include: Economic collapse, COVID-19 pandemic, Iran’s oil production facilities, and drug-dependent thugs. These scenarios have the potential to drastically change our societies and our lives. But, what are the risks involved? Do we really need to be so concerned? What is our ability to cope with a global SHTF scenario?
Economic collapse
As the world prepares for a possible future where we can’t pay our bills, it is more important than ever to stockpile food and supplies. Not only are food and water resources needed, but valuable metals and bullets could become currency if a catastrophe strikes. And water is not divisible, so you need to stock up on that as well. Whether you are planning to survive a natural disaster or a man-made one, you can protect yourself and your loved ones by preparing for the worst.
Economic collapse is a very real possibility. Prepare now so you are ready for the worst. You may think the economy is recovering but, in reality, it is already past the point of recovery. You will see high unemployment, rising inflation, and rising interest rates, all of which are indicators of economic collapse. Depending on the severity of the collapse, you might even witness social unrest, military defeat, and other signs of an impending global economic collapse.
COVID-19 pandemic
According to Dr. Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard Chan School, the COVID-19 virus is expected to recur in the U.S. this winter. It is not completely clear when and where a large surge in the number of cases will occur, but it is likely that it will be seasonal, meaning people will gather indoors without using masks or proper ventilation.
It is not clear whether COVID-19 will become endemic or pandemic in the U.S., but experts say that in time, it will become more like the seasonal flu and have outbreaks where it is common. This is because viruses can spread anywhere there is enough contact between individuals and susceptible individuals. As a result, doctors are advising people to stay home and isolate themselves until three negative rapid tests are done over a few days.
Iran’s oil production facilities
Currently, Iran produces 90% of its oil from onshore fields. Increasing production capacity would require drilling new wells and reinjecting gas into depleting reservoirs. Its major oil fields are around 30 years old. The country is working on improving these facilities in order to increase production. But there are many challenges associated with this development. Here are some of these challenges. The country is unable to produce more oil than it needs, and it faces an uncertain future.
Despite these difficulties, Iran has been developing its oil and gas industry since the early 1930s. The oil industry has increased its output since the Islamic revolution and is the country’s largest source of revenue. It is produced by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), which exports both crude oil and natural gas. The petroleum is moved by pipeline to Khark Island in the Persian Gulf and then shipped by tanker around the world. In the aftermath of the war with Iraq, Iran’s main oil refining facility was destroyed. However, the government rebuilt it in Abadan and the production has reached pre-war levels.
Drug-dependent thugs
The threat of drug-dependent thugs is real, and they will go to great lengths to get them. A major SHTF scenario can cause home owners to panic, especially if there are people living in their homes with psychological problems. In such a situation, they might end up getting into the possession of drugs and then turn them on others. A significant SHTF scenario will result in the home owner being a prime target for drug-dependent thugs.