When SHTF Don’t Say We Won’t Stockpile Bandages and Socks
Stockpiling sterile bandages is a vital survival skill that most people will never think of. The most common mistake people make when stockpiling survival items is not storing enough bandages. Bandages are important for so many reasons. First of all, most people don’t realize how easy it is to purchase and use sterile bandages. Another commonly overlooked survival item is socks. During the SHTF, refugees will desperately need socks. Socks are inexpensive to purchase and can be bartered for shoes.
Stockpiling sterile bandages
Among the survival supplies most people don’t think to stockpile, sterile bandages are one of the most overlooked. They are useful for a variety of purposes, including wound healing, burn treatment, and wound cleaning. Although it’s impossible to stockpile shoes, socks are a good short-term solution if SHTF hits. You can barter cheap socks for shoes during SHTF.
Honey locust thorns
The thorns of the honey locust tree can be eight inches long and can puncture tires and make sore wounds. This tree is a serious nightmare fuel because it is so resistant to drought and highly acidic soil. Its thorns also prick farm implement tires and are a major nuisance throughout its range. Its thorns are a major liability, but it’s still a cheaper alternative to expensive security alarms.
As a result, thornless honey locust trees were developed. These trees were fast growing and resistant to pollution. They also cast beautiful yellow fall foliage. Now, they are commonly found in heavily treed cities. Despite their reputation, they are still dangerous to humans. However, there are some ways to avoid their thorns. Here are a few tips for protecting yourself: